Mixed - Applied CGI works 2002-17
Before 2002 I had been working as a freelance designer for years. Now I am looking for a creative job where I can design again and not just executing ideas of other designers.
Lion man (ING)
Web-cam spider (Vodafone)
"Edward" Short film directed by Zoltán Bogdán
Mechanical bug (competition)
Peugeot: Retro futuristic car (competition)
Robot redeemer (just for fun)
Totem pole (just for fun)
"Széf" Headline
"Győzike" Headline
"Balaton szelet" Commercial
"M2" Station ID
"Cool live" headline
"Magasztár I" (Headline) - Stage projection
"Cool" Station ID (Promo, Break In-Out)
"Maestro" Short film directed by Géza M. Tóth
"Tree" (Vodafone, Gjoni)
"Film +" Station ID Promo
Cartoon film trailer (tender)
"Cool 2010" Station ID (Break bumpers)
"Sorozat +" Station ID (Endtitle, Age Limits, Title..)
"Spiss" Music Video (Sofa, show girl)
"Harmadik félidő" Headline
"Telenor" Commercial
"Béres" (Commercial)
"Sinol" (Commercial)
"Celeb vagyok ments ki innen" (Headline)
"Éjjel nappal Budapest" (Headline)
"Fábry" (Headline)
"Ozone" Station age limit bumper (18)
"Ozone" break bumper (open/close)
"Ozone" Promo bumper (open/close)
Budapest ID (commercial)
"Szálka" (Headline)
Character modells for Áron Gauder: "Egill" promo
"Alvin and the chipmunks" tender of a concert tour's video projection
"Pickwick" (commercial)
"Minimax" (Headline)
"Mosómasa" (film concept)
"FHB" (commercial)
 "Water legends" modelling for FINA
Designer: Gábor Szőke
3D modells for Károly Ujj Mészáros: Liza, The Foxy-Ferry
(Ash bodies)

SZRT (commercial)
SZRT -Keno (Commercial)
SZRT -Sponsor (Commercial)
"Taxidermia" Feature film directed by György Pálfi (CGI Tricks)
The Showreel of the KGB Studio where I worked 2002-2014
CGI Work

CGI Work

Mainly I took part of these jobs at KGB Studio as an employee.
